Adam Alper

Undergraduate Mechanical Engineering Student


Currently pursuing a B.S./M.S. in Mechanical Engineering/Material Science at Northeastern University, expecting to graduate in 2022.


After joining the lab in September 2019, I began working on a project to create a research tool that would make manipulating thin, magnetic microwires easier than with mechanical manipulation. Since the device is used for microwire manipulation through electromagnetic attraction, it was given the name “Magnetic Tweezers”. The main idea was to be able to pick up the microwire through electromagnetic attraction, which would be able to be varied through the use of a retractable core material and also be able to turn on and off with the press of a button. Using SolidWorks as my main mode of design, I created a pen-like casing for a 0.2T electromagnet. The device features a tactile button on/off switch, a rack and pinion system controlling the retractable core material, a 1.5V battery to power the system, and is broken into four detachable parts for maintenance and upkeep. The casing for the device was 3D printed using a polymer printer for precision and high repeatability.

I entered Northeastern’s RISE 2020 competition, a platform where undergraduate and graduate students can present their research to compete for various awards and scholarships. I entered the competition presenting the Magnetic Tweezer with the poster shown below, and won the undergraduate distinction for Outstanding Research Award for Engineering and Technology.